Traditional stories of Lecco and Lombardy
The Loch Ness Monster in Scotland, the Little Mermaid in Copenhagen, the fishwife Molly Malone in Dublin, the Phantom of the Opera in Paris, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table in Cornwall, Greek myths, Roman gods and Scandinavian heroes: every land has its own stories to tell, legends and mysteries that make up its charm.
Knowing the culture of a peopleerases the distances between people, opens horizons, generates feelings of friendship. With this conviction we offer tourists the opportunity to meet the traditions of our territory.
Let’s follow the example of Antonio Stoppani, a famous geologist, paleontologist, historian and naturalist, born and lived in Lecco in the nineteenth century. Returning from his travels around the world, he reported his discoveries to relatives and friends, telling them in terms accessible to all and thus initiating scientific dissemination. In the same way we too want to make known the wonders of Lecco and its surroundings through a narration in which reality when needed is accompanied by fantasy.
A good bookoffers many ideas to know, understand and, above all, not to forget.